

I. Advanced Standing, Course Exemption and Credit Transfer

The College offers opportunities for students to apply for Advanced Standing, Course Exemption and Credit Transfer in facilitating their learning.

1. Advanced standing (also known as ‘Block Credit Transfer’) will be granted to applicants who have already completed a recognized and relevant programme at the College or other institution before admission to the College’s programme. Upon approval for advanced standing, the credits obtained from the recognized courses will be transferred to the programme of study and the minimum programme requirements in credits will be reduced. The total number of credit points of the “Block Credit Transfer” will not exceed the total credit points of the programme applied for. Students who are admitted with advanced standing will not be eligible for credit transfer or course exemption at a later stage on the basis of their entry qualifications. Students are still required to pay the full tuition fee.

2. Course Exemption is granted to a student from particular course or curriculum requirements under special conditions. If the application is approved for the exempted course(s) but not for credit transfer, the student has to take another course to make up the total number of credits required for graduation. The grade(s) of the exempted course(s) are not shown on transcripts and the grade(s) received for the course(s) taken for the new programme will be shown in transcript and count towards the calculation of Programme GPA.

3. Credit Transfer is granted to a student for equivalent course(s) completed in previous studies at the College or studies in other institutions. The number of transferred credits will be shown on the transcript, but the results of the courses(s) completed in other institutions will not be shown on the transcript and will not be included in the calculation of Programme GPA. The student is exempted from taking the course(s) with the credits transferred.

The total number of credit points that may be transferred will not exceed 50% of the total credit points of the programme applied for.

II. Procedures for application

Students should submit the completed application form to the College preferably two weeks before the beginning of the new semester. When submitting applications, students please attach transcripts (of certified true copies)* and course outline of the course claimed for course exemption/credit transfer to the Registry. Late applications without relevant documents will not be processed. Before submitting the application form, students can consult the Programme Leader/Programme Co-ordinator or the relevant teaching Department of that course.

III. Guidelines on the granting of Course Exemption / Credit Transfer:

1. Only qualifications of equivalent or higher level studies at the College, local or overseas institutions will be accepted for credit transfer.

2. Applicants may be requested to take an assessment or test in order to ascertain that the level of work completed has met the requirements of programmes.

3. Applicants have to take the full range of course activities, including but not limited to lectures, tutorials and assessment tasks of the courses, until they have received the official notification of result from the Registry.

4. Applicants may appeal against the final decision on credit transfer. To appeal, the applicant shall write to the Registry with justifications and additional information / evidence within either 14 working days of being notified of the decision or the latest day on which the appeal can be processed completely before the end of the courses concerned, whichever the shorter will be adopted.