Zonta Club of Kowloon Bursary 2023/24
Zonta Club of Kowloon has donated a bursary to The Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education (NYC). It is established to help the student in need of financial assistance and has academic and service records effect from the academic year of 2021-2022. The following regulations shall apply as of 2023/24.
Name of Bursary
“Zonta Club of Kowloon Bursary” (九龍崇德社助學金).
Provision of Bursary
There shall be one bursary of HK$10,000.
Eligibility and Criteria
- An active full-time or part-time student who has financial difficulty which is based primarily on proven financial need, with reference to the criteria set by the HKSAR Government Student Finance Office under the FASP.
- Average or above academic performance and history of community services or service to fellow students. (The applicants should provide proven records on their contribution to local community services from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2023. Please note that only those proven community services will be considered.)
- The awardee should be a Golden Z Club member before submitting an application and must be an active participant of Zonta Club activities in the past years.
- When candidates are of comparable financial need and academic merit, the bursary shall be awarded to the candidate with a good attitude to serve.
- The disciplinary record(s) of the candidates with NYC (if any) may be taken into consideration in the processing of applications.
Application/ Nomination Procedure
- Any eligible student has to submit the completed application form with supporting documents to Student Affairs Unit (SAO). Late application will not be accepted.
- Each applicant will receive a notification acknowledging the receipt of the application.
- A candidate will be recommended by a selection panel comprising the VP, academic staff members, and a member of SAO. The recommendation will be forwarded to the Donor’s final approval.
- For the application e-form, please click here.
Conditions of Bursary
The recipient of the bursary is required to attend functions related to the bursary organized by the Donor and/or the College.
Announcement of Results
The result will be announced in mid to late August. For enquiries, please email sao@ny.edu.hk.
Student Affairs Unit
March 2024
The content of the above web page is available in English version only.