Nang Yan Golden Z Club
2024-03-22 Interview Makeup and Hair Styling Workshop
The Interview Makeup and Hair Styling Workshop held in Zonta Club’s member, Linda Yip’s studio was a success last night, with expert advice on Makeup and Hair styling from Cecilia Kuk and Zen Yip. The students enjoyed the Workshop and appreciated the valuable advice.
2024-03-03 淺嘗【表達藝術治療】
2024-02-17 音叉靜觀體驗工作坊
一年之計在於春,學校特意在年初八(2024年2月17日)安排了「音叉療愈工作坊」,讓同學在Debbie 老師的指導下,可以在快速節奏的生活中找到平衡,專注當下的體驗,放下憂慮,培養內心的寧靜和諧,令同學在安靜的心寧中清哳看見自己的目標及制定計劃去追尋⋯⋯
2024-02-03 探訪【救世軍白普理慈愛長者之家】
Golden Z Club 繼1 月13 日 「愛心派飯 x 北河同行」,係2月3 日去大圍【救世軍白普理慈愛長者之家】為住院老人家獻上”新春慶探訪。
2024-01-13 體驗「同行」愛心派飯活動
香港能仁專上學院Golden Z Club 於1月13日(星期六)到深水埗「北河同行」進行愛心派飯,體現「關愛基層,社區為本」的特色,並發揚學院慈悲心的核心精神。
2023-11-25 The Joint PolyU, Nang Yan College and Lingnan University Golden Z Clubs Installation Ceremony
The Joint PolyU, Nang Yan College, and Lingnan University Golden Z Clubs Installation Ceremony was successfully held on November 25th, 2023. The ceremony was officiated…
2023-08-13 開心魔術表演
2023-06-06 面試化妝和髮型技巧工作坊
2023年6月6日,Golden Z Clubs 組織了一場【面試化妝和髮型技巧工作坊】,
2023-03-25 Zonta Club of Kowloon Leadership Workshop
Zonta Club of Kowloon organized a “2023 Leadership Workshop” for Golden Z members from Nang Yan, PolyU, LU, APA, CU, CityU and also Z members from QESOSATKW Secondary School on 25 March 2023 (Saturday) at PolyU…
2022-11-28 愛心派飯
香港能仁專上學院,與理大及嶺大嘅Golden Z Club共30位學生在11月28日下午,
2022-10-29 NY Golden Z Installation Ceremony
Joint PolyU GZ & NY GZ Installation Ceremony was successfully held on 29 October 2022 at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with the mother Zonta Club, new members, and Zontians.
2022-08-17 NY Golden Z Club 2021-22 分享會
香港能仁專上學院於2022年8月17日在網上舉行了「Golden Z Club 2021-22」 分享會,首先由Golden Z Club Committee Chair 蔡醫生 (Dr Y C Choy) 介紹Zonta Club 及Zonta Club of Kowloon 的歷史,目標及社會服務。
2022-08-15 參觀香港醫藥援助會
在Golden Z Club Committee Chair Dr Choy 之安排下,學生在2022年8月15日與 [香港醫藥援助會] 執行總監陳英儀女士會面,了解 [香港醫藥援助會] 如何為深水埗,慈雲山等社區提供醫療、中醫、社會服務及教育服務。
2022-06-02 職業化妝工作坊 (與理大合辦)
2021-12-22 暖LOVE LOVE 聖誕愛互傳
This activity is in cooperation with the H.K.S.K.H. Kindly Light Church Neighbourhood Elderly Centre. Christmas is a festival of love, members provided unconventional medical care and support networks for the elderly…

2021-12-04 New Golden Z Club
香港能仁專上學院Golden Z Club的就職典禮於2021年12月4日順利舉行。

2021-10-30 童藝

2021-10-23 地壺傷健體驗樂
Future Leaders Building A Better World Today Through Service and Advocacy
Zonta Club of Kowloon and Golden Z Club of Hong Kong Polytechnic University will be organizing the Joint Hong Kong Polytechnic University & Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education Golden Z Clubs Installation Ceremony 2023-24 on 25 November 2023 (Saturday).
Students who will serve as officers and board of directors are as follows:
2023-2024 年度 Zonta Golden Z Club 第三屆幹事會成員
現提供 Zonta Club & Golden Zonta Club 小册子 ,可供下載。
Golden Zonta Club 會員招募
現誠邀各位同學加入NYC Golden Z Clubs 🤩:
參加Zonta Club有咩好處?🤔
- 有機會參與義工服務,增加學生對社會服務的認識和了解。(BSW學系可計pre-placemet hours)
- 有機會認識不同院校的朋友;
- 有機會參與職業培訓,如面試工作坊及化妝班
如有任何查詢,請與我們聯絡 / 3996 1091/ 9348 1298。